Butterphly is a producer, radio and television presenter from Harare, Zimbabwe. She lists her favourite foods as meat, pasta with cheese, black-eyed peas and eggs. Her favourite books include the Bible, The Firm, The Long Goodbye, and the Sherlock Holmes series. She likes to watch Chopped, 24, Intelligence and Big Brother Africa.
"Being on Big Brother Africa will allow me to take the opportunity to market myself and expand my brand', explains Butterphly on why she entered the show. She says that she won't use "backstabbing and cheating or immoral and unethical methods" to get the prize. If she wins, she'll send her sister, brother and kids to really good schools, start a chain of unique food, social and fashion hangout joints and take her mom shopping.
Describing herself as unique, feisty, mysterious and witty, Butterphly says that people are always shocked when they discover that she’s humble and compassionate. She likes people with a sense of humour, honour and truthfulness, and dislikes pretenders.
Butterphly says that she's inspired from all sorts of people. "Ordinary, young, dead, legends – in everyone's life story I try to extract important lessons like resilience, faith, strength etc. I learn as much as I can from the people I meet or read about."
The bubbly Butterphly embraces her inner celebrity and can't wait for Africa to meet her. The ambitious Zimbabwean lass hopes to make herself endearing, in a way that audiences can't survive without keeping her in the Hotshots house.
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