Double trouble: Permithias and Esther | AFRICA247
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Monday, October 6, 2014

Double trouble: Permithias and Esther


Day 1 of Big Brother Hotshots was off to a melodious start as vocal coach, singer and songwriter, RJ Benjamin, came to Biggie’s house to exercise the housemates’ voices.

 Following this was their first task of the day in which the housemates had to run through a fire drill. This was to prep them for instances of a fire in the house. The housemates performed well in this task.

The second task was issued after lunch and the housemates had to create a poster in which they were to brand and advertise their talent. As the housemates got busy with their afternoon task, the diary sessions began.
 All of the housemates told Biggies that they were happy about Laveda’s win as HoH and also expressed their wishes for Africa to vote for them.

The day went slightly off key after supper when Biggie released the alcohol to the housemates. Apart from the laughter, games and noise that came from the housemates enjoying drinks, Permithias and Esther were set on preventing the housemates from sleeping.
 Whilst some retired early to bed, the two housemates became more rowdy and went so far as to rouse some of the sleeping housemates from sleeping. Esther kept the housemates awake with laughter whilst Permithias jumped on others to rouse them from sleep.

For some the day ended early whilst for others, it ended very late. Today we see how individual housemates will cope. 
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