Luis ‘serenades’ Mira | AFRICA247
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Monday, October 27, 2014

Luis ‘serenades’ Mira


Mira may have been on the show for just a week but that didn’t deter Luis from falling in love with her and who can blame him after all it’s hard to dictate who and when to fall in love. 
By the look of things, the Namibian rep seems to be determined to keep Mira on his mind and recently, he shared with Big Brother during one of his Diaries that he had a surprise for the Mozambican ex-Hotshot. “Mira I have a surprise for you. Keep watching,” he said. 
Ever since Mira exited the house, two weeks now, Luis has kept to himself and was contemplating taking a voluntary exit but thanks to JJ who spoke some sense to him and thus he was convinced to stay. 
Luis has been through a lot as revealed to fellow housemates during an emotional session and Mira’s eviction probably came at a wrong time for him but he’s now determined to stay and play the game not only for himself but Mira too.
This morning, Luis joined Kacey, JJ and Permithias who were busy with the guitar and rapping and used the opportunity to come up with a song for his lady love. Permithias offered to play the guitar and he sang, Oh Mira. As he went about, his spirits clear were boosted and Mira was the only name on his lips.
Over to you Mira!
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