Hotshots: A bunch of talents | AFRICA247
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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Hotshots: A bunch of talents


A lot must have been put into consideration while selection contestants for this season’s Hotshots because a curious insight reveals a whole lot of talents from the housemates and this has also been justified by the way they’ve responded to all the tasks they’ve done for the past 13 days. 
With the guidance and wise words of a vocal coach, an acting coach and dance instructors the Hotshots were in position to prime themselves for that much awaited big break through.
They’ve pulled off various tasks and clearly the talents are there and one is sure to notice that housemates are doing their best to showcase what they’ve got to Africa.
Taking notes from vocal and musical coach RJ Benjamin’s visit were Sabina, Ellah, Frankie, JJ, Kacey and Permithias who could often be heard refining their singing voices and ranges. Frankie was often most natural in his crooning while Permithias and Kacey were effortless at composing a catchy hook.
Then the likes of Lilian, Alusa, Sheillah and JJ are learnt a thing or two from actor/director Clint who’e been coming over to the house a couple of times.
All in all, Biggie has put in place all he thinks housemates need to perfect their talents and help them discover more of themselves, at least everyone is catered for thus far.
Meanwhile, the Bollywood Extravaganza  presentations are around the corner. Which team are you on, Gold or Silver?
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