“Your’e Better Off Without Goitse” -Mr.265 To Idris | AFRICA247
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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

“Your’e Better Off Without Goitse” -Mr.265 To Idris


During a frank man-to-man discussion Mr.265 handed Idris some pearls of wisdom, and not a moment too soon. 
Somewhat of an older brother to Idris, Mr.265 simply informed him that while he should’ve handled things differently with Goitse, he was better off without her.
After weeks of knocking on Goitse’s door Idris was throwing in the towel, well so it seemed. He was making it clear to everyone who cared to know that the girl and their relationship were sucking the life out of him, all in such a short space of time.
Idris even admitted that he should’ve taken his time, something we distinctly recalled Biggie advising him to do in a diary session. Better late than never, supposedly.
Indeed Idris would be doing himself a huge favour because his once beloved Goitse might have certainly moved on. We had this on good knowledge thanks to our friends Samantha and Kacey Moore.
Idris felt that she should have given him the time and attention to express himself. It is all becoming very ironic seen as he constantly complained about feeling played by her. Then again, we couldn’t be too sure about relationships in the house.
Without mentioning many names a couple of possible hooks ups were brewing while some, like Goidris, seemed to be breaking
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