Head Of House: Sipe Wins! | AFRICA247
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Monday, November 10, 2014

Head Of House: Sipe Wins!


After making it through to the final round of the HoH task, Sipe becomes the latest HoH for this week taking over at the helm from Tanzanian Idris who’s had a fair share of what it means to be the house boss. 
The first round required housemates to use ten of the availed Hotshots discs and throw them in a waiting bag over a table, this particular round saw Sipe, Tayo and Idris going through. 
The final and ultimate round required the trio to undo well laid knots in the garden. The Malawian hair dresser used her pace to work out the knots until she reached the finishing line where a flag was placed, whoever got there first had to grab the flag and put it above their heads. Sipe stormed to the finishing line first and it took Tayo and Idris a couple of more minutes to get there.
After her win, outgoing HoH Idris did the ceremonial handover, though he playfully seemed reluctant to hand over, but it was all in good faith as Housemates continued cheering Sipe on.
This means that Sipe is the new Sheriff and joins the likes of Laveda, Samantha, Nhlanhla, JJ and Idris who have won the famous medallion.
Congratulations to Sipe!
Meanwhile, as part of her duties, she will have to put up a housemate for possible eviction this evening, who will be thrown under the bus?
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