Pianist Velaphi Ramphele for the tips | AFRICA247
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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Pianist Velaphi Ramphele for the tips


When it come to tasks, you can trust Biggie to give a helping hand to the housemates. As part of the silent movie preparations, pianist and musical artist came into the house to help housemates visualize and understand how a score is created. They were meant to learn as much as they could and enact it into their silent movie due for task presentation tomorrow.
Back in the day of the silent move, when there was little in the way of special effects and high tech and studio engineered scores, a pianist would sit at the foot of tVelaphi Ramphele he stage and play the accompanying score when a movie was shown in the cinema. The purpose of the live piano was to compliment the plot and convey the emotion, sensibility and message of the action, this would then enhance the movie experience for the audience by creating the mood and accentuating the dramatic or comedic moments on screen.
Housemates were taken into various tips on how to create a score that aided for a story to carry meaning and at the end of it all, the Hotshots seemed to have learnt something thanks to Velaphi Mphele Ramphele.
Nhlanhla‘s prayer came true after all, he had requested Biggie to help them understand the task as they were having challenges.
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