Dissecting JJ-Butterphly standoff | AFRICA247
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Friday, October 31, 2014

Dissecting JJ-Butterphly standoff


JJ continues to prove that he’s the ‘control freak’ housemates have labelled and some of his Team A members are not happy with the way he’s handling matters in their team. Just like the previous few weeks which were characterized by power struggles especially in teams he belonged to, the same spirit seems to be back and haunting Team A. 
According Butterphly, JJ is at it again trying do all the work in the team and thus leaving them redundant and useless. Even when he assigns someone work, it’s interesting to find out that he’s already through with the same piece and thus doesn’t welcome any ideas.
Yesterday, Team A members had agreed on who would be doing what and Butterphly was tasked with coming up with their team’s introduction something she was eager to come up with, to her surprise, JJ was already through with it and didn’t allow her to share what she’d come up with.
This morning, Butterphly took the back seat and didn’t take part in the team’s preps, this forced the boys; Idris, Luis, Kacey and Mr.265 to talk about the whole scenario because it was affecting the team’s performance.
Idris said that JJ treated Butterphly’s ideas with disrespect while Luis and Kacey reasoned that everyone should be given a chance and ideas should be welcome for the betterment of the team. Mr.265 said that for the good of the team, members had to be on the same path.
We know JJ is multi-talented by the earlier he allowed other members to contribute towards the team the better for their Extravaganza.
Do you think JJ is more of a ‘control freak’?
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